Liposuction Lebanon | Lipo Vaser | DR ANTOINE ABI ABBOUD
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Liposuction lebanon

Liposuction Lebanon


Liposuction improves body shape by removing exercise-resistant fat deposits with a tube and a vacuum device. This procedure can be performed using the tumescent or the super-wet techniques. Liposuction techniques typically are performed after targeted fat cells are infused with a saline solution containing a local anesthetic and adrenalin to decrease blood loss, allow an easier removal of the fat, as well as diminish postoperative discomfort. This also reduces post-operative bruising and swelling. The most common locations for liposuction are: chin, cheeks, neck, and upper arms, the area above the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

Traditional: One to two hours or more

General anesthesia can be used or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia are used.

Liposuction is usually an outpatient procedure.

Suction-assisted lipectomy is a surgical technique to remove unwanted deposits of fat from specific areas of the body, including the face and neck, upper arms, trunk, abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs, and the knees, calves, and ankles. Liposuction is not a substitute for weigh reduction, but a method for removing localized deposits of fatty tissue that does not respond to diet or exercise. Suction-assisted lipectomy may be performed as primary procedure for body contouring or combined with other surgical techniques such as facelift, abdominoplasty, or thigh lift procedures to tighten loose skin and supporting structures.

The best candidates for liposuction are individuals of relatively normal weight who have excess fat in particular body areas. Having firm, elastic skin will result in a better final contour after liposuction. Hanging skin will not reshape itself to the new contours and may require additional surgical techniques to remove and tighten excess skin. Body-contour irregularities due to structures other than fat cannot be improved by suction-lipectomy.

Suction-assisted lipectomy by itself may not improve areas of dimpled skin known as "cellulite".


There are a variety of different techniques used by plastic surgeons for suction-assisted lipectomy and care following surgery. Your surgeon may recommend that you make arrangements to donate a unit of your own blood that would be used if a blood transfusion were necessary after surgery.



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